Many Kinds of Sholah

Sholah means praying. Sholah consist of Sholah Fardhu, Sholah Rawatib and Sholah Sunnah

  1. Sholah Fardhu, consist of five kinds  
    - Sholah Subuh, we do it at morning, it consist of two raka’ah 
    - Sholah Zuhur, we do it at afternoon, it consist of four raka’ah
    Sholah Ashar, we do it at evening, it consist of four raka’ah, like Sholah Zuhur
    - Sholah Maghrib, we do it at down, it consist of three raka’ah 
    - Sholah Isya’, we do it at night, it consist of four raka’ah, like Zuhur and Ashar 
    2. Sholah Rowatib means Sholah that follow Sholah Fardhu, it consist of two kinds 

    Sholah Qabliyah, we do it before Sholah Fardu 

    Sholah Ba’diyah, we do it after Sholah Fardu  

    In Ashar there wasn’t sholat rawatib
    We can find sholah rawatib in :

    - 2 raka’ah before Subuh
    - 2 raka’ah after and before Zuhur 
    - 2 raka’ah after Maghrib
    2 raka’ah after Isya'

    3. The other of Sholah Rawatib is Sholah Sunnah. It consist of:
    - Sholah Tahajud. We do it in the 1/3 of the night. There are 11 raka’ah. We can do it in 4, 4, 3 raka’ah or 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 raka’ah 
    - Sholah Dhuha. We do it at noon before Zuhur time, it was at 07.00-11.00 the raka’ah is multiply of two 
    - Sholah Istikarah. We do it when we need Allah guidance for choosing the choice 
    - Sholah Istisqa’. We do it when we need Allah to sent the rain 
    okay reading lovers...
    that was many kind of sholah... 

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