K.H. Ahmad Dahlan

Ahmad Dahlan (Muhammad Darwisy small named), is a pioneer and the father of Islamic renewal. Ahmad Dahlan was born in Yogyakarta, August 1, 1868. Muhammadiyah organization founded on November 18, 1912. 
This National Hero of Indonesia died at the age of 54 years in Yogyakarta, February 23, 1923.
Muhammadiyah  established to implement the ideals of the renewal of Islam in the archipelago. Ahmad Dahlan wants to hold a renewal in the way of thinking and work according to Islamic religious guidance. He would like to invite Indonesian Muslims to return to live under the guidance of the Qur’an and al-Hadith. He founded the Muhammadiyah not as a political organization but as a social community and religious organizations working in the field of education. And through Muhammadiyah, moslems can applied Islam in their life.

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